Meet the team

Michael percy

Hiking Guide

Praesent non dolor efficitur, lacinia dui volutpat, elementum lacus. Praesent sit amet risus semper, iaculis enim in, bibendum nibh. Maecenas quis venenatis ipsum, id hendrerit ligula. Donec a sem ut erat molestie feugiat ac ut elit. Proin consectetur nulla et ex molestie, quis semper nibh dignissim.

Logan wise

Ocean Guide

Praesent non dolor efficitur, lacinia dui volutpat, elementum lacus. Praesent sit amet risus semper, iaculis enim in, bibendum nibh. Maecenas quis venenatis ipsum, id hendrerit ligula. Donec a sem ut erat molestie feugiat ac ut elit. Proin consectetur nulla et ex molestie, quis semper nibh dignissim.

Danielle Abraham


Praesent non dolor efficitur, lacinia dui volutpat, elementum lacus. Praesent sit amet risus semper, iaculis enim in, bibendum nibh. Maecenas quis venenatis ipsum, id hendrerit ligula. Donec a sem ut erat molestie feugiat ac ut elit. Proin consectetur nulla et ex molestie, quis semper nibh dignissim.



Learn what separates us from the rest. 

When you call, email, or visit us in the shop, you’re going to interact with someone who is an experienced kite boarder. While we do mentor a few younger employees, our staff is comprised of people who have been kiting for almost 2 decades. Our knowledge and experience cannot be matched! We remain aware of the pricing and incentives offered by our competitors, so we’re confident in our ability to beat them on pricing, but our true strength lies in our customer service! No one will beat us in our attention to customer needs and when we offer advice on equipment, you can rest assured knowing we always have your best interest in mind! Our customer loyalty is the result of 20 plus years of consistently focusing on your individual needs! So in an industry where prices are often similar from store to store – why compromise the service, attention to detail and the expertise available only with XLKITES? 

When you call, email or visit us in the shop, you’re going to interact with someone who is an experienced kite boarder. While we do mentor a few younger employees, our staff is comprised of people who have been kiting for almost 2 decades. Our knowledge and experience cannot be matched! We remain aware of the pricing and incentives offered by our competitors, so we’re confident in our ability to beat them on pricing, but our true strength lies in our customer service! No one will beat us in our attention to customer needs and when we offer advice on equipment, you can rest assured knowing we always have your best interest in mind! Our customer loyalty is the result of 20 plus years of consistently focusing on your individual needs! So in an industry where prices are often similar from store to store – why compromise the service, attention to detail and the expertise available only with XLKITES? 

Our History


Learn what separates us from the rest. 

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